Get a personalized Network Insights Report at our HIMSS23 booth to unlock critical insights for reducing readmissions and network leakage.
HIMSS23 | Booth # 7206 | April 18-20
Real-Time Data, Insights and Workflow
Across the Care Continuum
PointClickCare is the leading healthcare technology platform enabling meaningful collaboration and access to real-time insights at any stage of a patient’s journey.
With Collective Medical & Audacious Inquiry, we’ve become the largest comprehensive care collaboration network in North America.
Hospitals and Health Systems
We offer hospitals, health systems, and their care teams immediate, point-of-care access to deep, real-time insights at every stage of a patient’s journey.
These insights help care teams throughout the ecosystem collaborate to improve the quality and efficiency of care, and deliver better outcomes, faster.
Health Plans
In a value-based world, healthcare collaboration is key to plan performance.
Gain visibility into your members’ activities across the care continuum and share these insights with network providers in real-time to support high quality, affordable care.
Get Your Free Personalized Network Insights Report at HIMSS
Directly Connect to SNFs and Hospital Networks Across 50 States.
With access to the nation’s largest database of acute and post-acute insights, PointClickCare is uniquely positioned to provide you with personalized insights on your organization’s performance to enhance your care coordination strategy and patient outcomes.
You will gain access to:
Top PAC network partnerships and Medicare referral trends.
Clinical KPIs including SNF network readmission rates and length of stay.
Financial metrics related to readmission penalties and revenue leakage to competitor health systems.
Opportunities for Return on Investment with PointClickCare solutions.
For a 4th consecutive year, PointClickCare has been named the KLAS Long-Term Care Software KLAS Category Leader in the 2023 Best in KLAS: Software & Services report.
Drop by PointClickCare booth #7206 to see why we are leading the way in creating cloud-based software enabling meaningful collaboration and access to real‐time insights at every stage of a patient’s healthcare journey.
Join Us at our HIMSS23 Sessions
Leveling Up on Post-Acute Care Collaboration with Network Insights
Wednesday, April 19 10:00am – 11:00am
South Building, Level 4 | S403
Nikki Starrett, MS, Sr., Director – Solution Design, PointClickCare
HIE and State Medicaid Partnerships: New Sustainability for Technology Funding
Thursday, April 20 11:30am – 12:30pm
South Building, Level 4 | S406 A
Kyle Russell, CEO, Virginia Health Information
Beth Schwartz, PMP, Partner Engagement Director, PointClickCare