People of PointClickCare: Becky Bessman Gasser & Mike Gasser
This holiday season, we’re celebrating our family and friends, and our PointClickCare family is no exception! But what happens when your work family becomes your real family? Just ask Becky Bessman and Mike Gasser, who first met 9 years ago and have been happily married ever since.
First, let’s get to know them both with some rapid-fire, newlywed edition!
Rapid Fire
What is your partner’s favourite colour?
- Mike: Tiffany Blue
- Becky: Black, with green a close second!
If your partner was a Disney character, who would they be?
- Mike: Ursula
- Becky: This qualifies now, because Disney + absorbed the Star Wars “universe”, so I’ll say Chewbacca.
If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy together?
- Mike: A travel trailer or RV
- Becky: A camper and hit the road!
How does your partner take their tea or coffee?
- Mike: With cream
- Becky: With just a little cream and stevia packets. Or with Hazelnut creamer.
What is your partner’s ideal vacation?
- Mike: A healthy mix of city and country, with hopefully a little live music and meals at the best local dives along the way.
- Becky: Seeing ALL of the country via a road trip and making sure to stop at all of the National Parks in the path!
Journey to PointClickCare
Becky knew early on that she wanted to help the elderly, and in many ways had been working towards her career at PointClickCare her whole life. “I volunteered in nursing homes as a child and have had a love for the elderly population from a young age. That led to working as an Admission Coordinator for a brief time and then transitioning to working as an Implementation Consultant for a PointClickCare customer.” She says that once she joined PointClickCare, she was able to recognize her passion for the software and how it helps in facilities. “Five years ago, I took the opportunity to apply at PointClickCare and it’s been an amazing experience. I can’t wait for more!”
Mike started his journey as a third-party contractor for nursing homes. “I would train their staff on the basic functionality of this software called PointClickCare. I knew absolutely nothing about the healthcare industry at the time.” He says that later, he ended up working in Clinical Applications Support for Good Samaritan Society before getting “called up to the big leagues” and landing a spot on the pharmacy services team at PointClickCare.
Their Love Story
Mike says that PointClickCare has been a part of their love story since day one. “On March 3, 2014, I walked into the training room at the Good Samaritan Society in Howard Lake, MN for the first day of my first solo training assignment at my new job, and there she sat. Short black hair with a bright red patch in the middle. She wore a leopard print cardigan, blue jeans, and black clogs with music notes on them. As if I wasn’t already nervous enough, she was the implementation consultant with whom I would be working that week.”
Becky remembers the fate of that day, as Mike wasn’t originally supposed to be in the class. “He was sitting in my training classroom as a partner trainer, but it wasn’t supposed to be HIM! I was supposed to be working with someone else that week, but he did an awesome job and I’m pretty glad that he was put in my path.”
Why They Love PointClickCare
Not many people are lucky enough to work with their spouse, but Mike and Becky wouldn’t have it any other way. For them, PointClickCare is more than just how they met, it’s a place that values people and caring for others. Becky says that it’s that extra feeling of purpose and helping others that makes her grateful to work here. “In each role that I’ve been in at PointClickCare, the resident is still at the heart of things. That will always remain my motivator.”
Mike agrees and further accredits his admiration of the organization to the emphasis placed on the culture, employee wellbeing, and flexibility. “In terms of my day-to-day, I love the flexibility our remote work option provides and the freedom that it has afforded Becky and I to live the life we want. It’s been a game changer for us and we are so grateful to PointClickCare.”
Thanks for sharing with us, Becky and Mike! We wish you many more years of happiness together, and with PointClickCare!
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December 13, 2022