Performance Insights (Canada)
Get real-time insights on how your Quality Indicator (QI) outcomes are trending.
Drive Your Home’s Quality Program With Performance Insights
- Visualize home and resident-level trends
- Identify issues and problems with detailed root-cause analyses
- Improve decision making with real-time insights
Optimize Organizational Performance and Care Outcomes
Transform your data into interactive visualizations that enable your staff to make insightful, proactive decisions. Embedded in the PointClickCare platform, Performance Insights provides instant access to multi-level dashboards at the corporate, facility, and resident levels for QIs.
Guided workflows and drill-down capabilities offer an intuitive experience for effortless adoption. With analytical tools that make it easy to dive in and investigate the “why” behind the data, you gain the insights you need to create informed QI Plans (QIPs), monitor your trends in real time, and achieve better outcomes.
Maintain Compliance
Align your QIPs with your organizational needs to ensure you are meeting regulatory and accreditation requirements for your organization’s quality improvement program.
Simplify preparations for regulatory visits and accreditation with documentation for all quality improvement projects easily retained and located in the QIP area of Performance Insights.
Gain the insights you need to make data-informed decisions on performance and corrective action plans to ensure you remain compliant.
To learn more about Performance Insights, contact your PointClickCare Account Representative