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Strategies for Rebuilding Census in a Post-Pandemic World

Strategies for Rebuilding Census in a Post-Pandemic World

Strategies for Rebuilding Census in a Post-Pandemic World

COVID-19 has diminished occupancy in skilled nursing facilities across the United States, yet no single reason explains the overall drop. Outbreaks of the disease led to self-imposed admission bans, hospitals halted elective surgeries and the reluctance and fear of family members to place loved ones in a congregate setting amid a pandemic slowed move-ins.

As a result, while SNFs rightly focus attention on infection control strategies to prevent and contain outbreaks, regaining the trust of family members and referral sources also demands immediate, concerted effort and hard work.

This white paper will examine ways SNFs can demonstrate their abilities to take admissions and keep residents safe, while securing the confidence of family members and referral partners alike.