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People of PointClickCare: Gabriella Garibay

Introducing our DEI & Culture Program Manager, Gabriella Garibay! Gabby is passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion and makes it her goal to ensure that all employees show up to work each day as their authentic selves. Let’s get to know her with some rapid fire.

Rapid Fire 🔥 

Describe yourself in 3 words? Passionate, Creative, Loud.
What is your favourite TV show right now?
Grey’s Anatomy (for the third time).
Have you ever lived abroad?
Yes! I lived in Guadalajara, Mexico with family for close to 2 years.
If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
A series of short stories inspired by my life!
Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
Future! I think there are a lot of things we’ve had to overcome, and still do, and the future would give me hope.

Journey to PointClickCare

Before joining PointClickCare, Gabby was headed down a different career path. “I worked for a company for 6 years, but I soon realized the direction they were heading in didn’t align with what I want for myself.” Taking her future into her own hands, Gabby decided to google “top companies to work for in Salt Lake City” in hopes of finding and organization that would support her values. “After looking at some that had openings, I applied to Collective Medical and started there in July of 2021 as a project manager.

A Passion for DEI

For Gabby, there are many reasons she is an advocate for DEI. “I’m a woman of color that has consistently seen members of my family be treated a certain way and even experienced that myself. I also feel like that the majority of ignorance DEI work hopes to combat is based in lack of education and understanding. I am an optimist and believe that most people are inherently good and want to be good and my goal is to help people be more empathetic to the struggles that others face.”

When it came time to make a career change, Gabby decided to embrace her passion in her work life as well. “I knew DEI was my passion and I started spamming the DEI inbox asking what they’re looking for in their team members and how I can get involved. I was grateful that the team took a chance on me!”

Choosing PointClickCare

PointClickCare is known for its culture and people first mission, which is something Gabby resonated with right away. “The work that PointClickCare does matters! I’ve worked for companies whose sole purpose is to make money and their practices contribute to waste in the industry and it felt so disheartening. PointClickCare made me realize that there are companies that want to make a difference in the quality of life for people.”

Applying this to her own work, Gabby hopes to enhance the already amazing culture that PointClickCare has built over the years. Her goal for the DEI program is to “encourage an open-door policy, whether it’s feedback for improvements, or someone has a well-meaning question that they don’t want to ask publicly because they know it may hurt someone. I want to build a program where people are not embarrassed to say, “I don’t know” and are inspired to learn. My goal is to provide a variety of materials to help them learn.”

Why Culture is Important

Having a healthy work life balance is a top priority for PointClickCare, and Gabby works hard to ensure all employees embrace our culture to its fullest. “I’ve experienced incredible flexibility from my superiors that made me feel supported in having a life outside of work. I also value mental health prioritizing and knowing that there are so many leaders in PointClickCare that value it and want employees to get the help needed is so important to me.”

Gabby also says that culture is important because you can see the positive impact it has on those around you. “When a person comes to me and says that an event we’ve put forth or a communication we sent out had a positive impact on them, it’s incredibly rewarding and shows the value of what we are doing. I think one of the biggest problems that we face as a society today is the lack of connection and recognition of other people as humans. If I can help even just one person feel seen, it reminds me why I do what I do.”

Thanks for sharing, Gabby!

Interested in joining the PointClickCare team?

April 25, 2023