People of PointClickCare: Andy Brigant
People of PointClickCare, Pharmacy
You’ve met Mike, Dave, and employee number 4 Angelo, but have you met Andy? As current GM and VP of Pharmacy, Andy has been with PointClickCare since the very beginning, and by that we mean he remembers the day the first cappuccino maker arrived. He has seen the company go from software start-up to North America’s leading cloud-based healthcare software provider for the LTPAC industry, and he got to witness all the good stuff in-between. But Andy wasn’t just along for the ride, he was instrumental in making PointClickCare what it is today.
Evolving the business from start-up to industry leader
Andy started with PointClickCare as a Software Engineer but his job title isn’t all that has changed in the time he’s been here. As he recalls, his beginnings with us are fond memories of a small group of people working on the platform together, desks laid out surrounding a pool table in the centre of the room, and everyone just working towards a common goal of trying to figure out the best way to build a system with brand new, unproven technology. There were mistakes along the way of course, but as he says, “What we lacked in maturity and experience, we made up for in passion and very close customer involvement. It was much easier to move quickly and make rapid change back then. We prided ourselves on being able to do that.
What is a GM and VP of Pharmacy?
Both Andy and PointClickCare just celebrated their 20-year anniversary and he even recalls that our first customer to the PointClickCare platform started at about the same time that he did! “We were a much different company back then. Fewer than 20 people, and laser-focused on a few very specific objectives.” Over the years, Andy’s job has changed quite a bit as he has been continually building his experience and skill set to advance his career. Now, Andy sits as the GM and VP of Pharmacy at PointClickCare. What does that mean you ask? He explains it as being, “primarily responsible for understanding how PointClickCare and our customers interact with the long-term care pharmacy eco-system, helping to develop strategies to effectively work with that eco-system, and ensuring that we’re maximizing our opportunities related to Pharmacies and Medication Management.”
Change is a good thing
One thing that was evident from our conversation with Andy was the concept of change and how it is a necessary part of everything we do. “Change has been constant since I’ve joined the company. It has to be if you want to grow from a small start-up with a dozen people to a 1700-person organization that has its sights set on growing even more.” But if you ask him, there was one particularly interesting change that stand out in his mind over the years. “One of the more interesting changes was when we decided to manage the organization around different markets that are at varying stages of maturity using the Zone to Win model. Having business units that are still developing operate in the Incubator Zone while the real revenue driving engines operate under a different performance and accountability model has helped us to be more flexible and adaptable where we need to be. I think it’s been really positive.”
He really loves PointClickCare
Andy’s reasons for appreciating PointClickCare have evolved over time, and he says the best part is that there is always something new to grab your attention. “In the early days we were a really tight-knit group taking on a market challenge with a brand-new approach, business model, and cutting-edge technology. Creating a company from scratch was very exciting. Today, the mission of the company means much more to me than when we first started. As I’ve learned more about the industry and the people we affect, it feels really good contributing to a company that can make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable people and for those that care for them.” He also says that one of the most rewarding aspects has been how we’ve always embraced change and pushed for new models to be more effective and to understand what world class looks like for us. “We don’t always get it right, but we’re always changing and evolving and learning, and that’s inspiring.” His favorite part? Our work hard, play hard attitude. “We’ve always retained a great energy and an attitude that you should work hard and enjoy what you do. Work life, family life, friends, and self-improvement are so intertwined. I feel like PointClickCare has a healthy respect for that and wants to be not just an employer, but an organization that people are excited and proud to be a part of.”
Biggest accomplishment
Back in the first half of his time with the company, Andy was heavily involved in the development of the baseline clinical system (care plans, assessments, Point of Care, eMAR and pharmacy integration, MDS 3.0, CCAC mobile assessment tool), and he played a part in launching the first version of our Product function. Over the last ten years, he’s been focused on the Pharmacy area of the organization and has been able to watch as that part of the business grows significantly. “Today it makes up a very substantial part of our revenue picture, is a key differentiator for us in the market, and we’ve become the strongest partner for what was originally a hostile or indifferent pharmacy community.”
Advice to future PointClickCare family
As someone who has been here to witness it all, Andy has a lot of perspective for future colleagues. So what is his advice to prospective employees? “While change can be unsettling sometimes, it is also where opportunity comes from. Don’t be afraid to reach out and build connections outside of your daily job responsibilities. Those connections will help as we find new ways to work together and can greatly help you develop at PointClickCare.”
Thank you for sharing Andy!
February 19, 2021