State Government Planning and Strategy
Initiative-driven planning and policy strategies to support
Medicaid management, community health programs,
public health, and emergency preparedness in any jurisdiction.

Based on our real-world experience in optimizing healthcare organizations’ use of best-in-class Health IT solutions, we help State Government and Medicaid stakeholders enhance community health outcomes with initiative-driven Health IT planning and funding strategy, contracting strategy and management, and development of re-use and modularity plans.

Medicaid Management
Meet Medicaid program goals with strategic guidance and technology aligned to support state specific requirements.

Community Health Outcomes
Address societal healthcare priorities like health equity, improving maternal health, and addressing behavioral health and substance use disorder with best-in-class technology that enables collaboration across the care continuum with real-time insights at the point of care.

Public Health
Reduce community spread of infectious disease by identifying emerging threats in real-time and alerting care providers to patient infections.

Emergency Preparedness
Streamline public health and emergency management capabilities to solve critical gaps in patient care during public health emergencies and disasters.