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How an EHR Helps Care Providers Succeed With Their Financial Workflows.

Barbara Boldt
Director of Finance
The Terraces of San Joaquin Gardens
(An American Baptist Homes of the West Community)

My name is Barbara Boldt and I am the director of finance at The Terraces of San Joaquin Gardens, an American Baptist Homes of the West (ABHOW) community located in Fresno, California. I’ve been with the organization for over 14 years and was part of the team when we first transitioned to PointClickCare, our electronic health record (EHR), almost 10 years ago. It seems like a lifetime ago, but working with PointClickCare is just a part of who we are and what we do now.

The power of resident information, right at your fingertips.

As the director of finance, I use PointClickCare in many ways. Whether I need to review accounts, check on billing statuses, or simply answer questions from our residents or their family members, PointClickCare provides me with all of the information that I need right at my fingertips. Literally. In a matter of a few clicks, I have everything I need to know about a resident at any given time.

There isn’t a day that passes that I don’t receive some sort of question or inquiry from a resident or their family member asking about a bill. Being able to access the right information on the spot is incredibly helpful, and it’s satisfying knowing that our residents and their family members trust that there isn’t a part of our business, or theirs, that we aren’t familiar with.

The value of having a seamless clinical and financial workflow.

PointClickCare is truly an integrated system. You hear that a lot when it comes to technology solutions, but with PointClickCare, our clinical and administrative teams are always connected and information flows seamlessly across the business. As an example, when I’m preparing the Medicare billing for a particular resident, the RUG score that our MDS Nurse inputs is automatically reflected on the billing end, which means there is much less chance for error when it comes to billing. I have a great deal of confidence knowing that what I am billing a resident for is clinically what actually happened.

The reality is, things change for our residents regularly, and sometimes this requires us to run billing statements on the fly. Before PointClickCare there was a completely separate system to monitor what was happening on the clinical side. Now, everything fits together. As a team, we know that the two systems integrate well, and the information we need from the clinical team is always easily accessible, no matter when we need it.

The benefits of gaining the right support across the entire care team.

PointClickCare makes it easy to have a working relationship with the entire team. Nothing is more comforting than knowing you are all looking at the same real-time information. When it comes to thinking about collaboration between our teams, PointClickCare has benefitted us a lot. We aren’t asking as many questions as we would have in the past, which really makes for better relationships among team members at times.

In many ways it feels like we don’t even think about it. We are very used to PointClickCare. Between our ABHOW home office and our PointClickCare support team, we feel confident that the system works for us the way we need it to. Whether it’s keeping up with industry regulations, or configuring the system to our needs, we know everything is under control and we can proceed with our day-to-day jobs, focusing on what’s really important – our residents.